Chris Smith, Water Cooler: Advanced FaceBook Advertising 3/15/15: Advanced Facebook Marketing. How we get traffic, leads and sales. 3/25/15 87% class of 2014 Highschool use FB daily: How your newsfeed is controlled: - how popular are the things done in the past - you have to be on facebook everyday but not all day - if my average post gets 20 likes they will give me the benefit of the doubt - how popular is the post with the people that see it? - What type of post does the FB user like most? - note must mix it up to get popularity on all your posts - images, text, links, etc. - Must semi interesting daily or very interesting weekly - monthly doesn't work. - how recently was the post published? newer is better. FB is about what is happening now. You do not get to choose the kind of content you share - you must be able link, text, image, video, ... your life - what is most interesting in your life? top 3 places to get content: 1) building a twitter list, local reporters, national real estate analysts, etc. 2) Real Estate, Car, Sports, Zite morning paper to discover amazing personalized stuff to share on FB 3) BuzzSumo, upworthy, viralnova sources. really interesting information. !!!! Real Estate Agents: system, block time, repeatable... used to be 5 5 5 now its 3 3 to prospect for business: Lurkers Lose - don't get sucked into the newsfeed. Personalize your posts to the profiles of your clients - Thought you might like: based on their profile info. and post to their wall.